프로젝트 - 정해진 기간 안에서 정교한 작업을 통해 결과와 서비스를 만들어 내는 일련의 과정
* 프로젝트 정의(TPO)
1. Temporary(일시적인)
 - 일정 상 시작과 끝이 반드시 존재한다는 의미
2. Progressivley elaborated(점진적 정교화)
 - 지속적으로 수정, 향상, 갱신, 추가되는 요소를 점진적으로 정교화하는 작업에 대한 의미
 ex) Rolling wave planning(high-level), prototype(working model, mock-up)
3. Output(산출물)
 - 서비스를 운영(Operation)하는 소프트웨어 제품(Product)을 의미


Tech PM - 비지니스 가치가 있는 소프트웨어를 발의하고 기획/설계/일정관리/오픈/운영까지 A-Z를 관리

소프트웨어를 통해 서비스를 제공하는 프로젝트를 발의하고 시스템을 기획/설계하는 Tech PM은 아래와 같은 일을 해야 합니다.

1. 개발자가 이해할 수 있는 수준의 요구사항 정의
2. 비지니스 상황에 맞춘 구축 우선순위 선정 판단
3. 간결하지만 명료한 문서작성 기술

비지니스 측면 가치에 대한 기획을 통해 구축된 시스템이 Product(제품)로서 안정적인 서비스를 제공하고, 고정적인 수익을 창출할 수 있는 도구가 될 수 있도록 설계해야 합니다.


Tech PM은 소프트웨어 기반의 회사에서 개발자와 현업이 서로 원하는 바를 얻게끔 만들어주는 역할을
책임을 가지고 헌신적으로 실천할 수 있어야 합니다.


PM은 이 모든 고민을 문서로 남겨 관리할 수 있어야 합니다.

* Why?

 - 상시 보고할 수 있는 준비

 - 혼재된 요구사항과 모호한 협의안, 방향을 정하는 의사결정 점검

* 문서 히스토리
* 메뉴구조도
* 요구사항 정의서 2부 (현업, 개발사)
* 플로우차트(task, user, I.A)
* 와이어프레임
* 화면정의서
* 기능명세서
* ERD(다이어그램)
개발사 입장에서 작성하는 요구사항 정의서는 마찬가지로 현업과의 약속이자 프로젝트 발의 당시 검토했던
기능 구현방안과 일정, 리스크 등을 서술해놓은 문서입니다.


개발사의 관점에서 제작한 요구사항 정의서는 현업에게 전달받은 요구사항을 기능 구현 관점에서 세부적으로 분해한 내용이 있어야 합니다.

현업이 비교적 비지니스 이익에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 요인을 고민한다면, 개발사는 구현 가능여부, 일정, 리스크(side-effect), 확장성 등을 고민해야 합니다.


개발사는 현업이 요청한 요구사항을 원하는 일정에 맞춰 리스크가 적고 확장성을 가질 수 있도록 구현할 수 있도록 고민해야 합니다.

사내 개발인력 관리 및 필요 시 외부인력 투입 검토, 시스템이 올라가는 인프라에 대한 검토 및 자체 일정관리에 비용을 투자해야 합니다.


개발사는 현업에 막연히 최대치 이상의 인력과 일정에 대한 버퍼가 고려된 공수를 요구한다면 파트너간 신뢰를 잃을 수 있습니다.

하지만, 필요한 자원에 대한 요구는 견적에 반드시 기입되어야 하기 때문에, 납득이 가능한 수준의 요구를 합리적이고 누구나 납득이 가능하도록 현업에게 설명할 수 있도록 많은 준비가 필요합니다.


현업이 개발사로부터 산출되기 원하는 요구사항 정의서는 아래 내용을 담고 있어야 합니다.

  1. 현업이 전달한 요구사항을 세부적인 기능 단위로 나열 -> 가능여부 | 일정 | 리스크 | 사유 | 비고
  2. 실제 로직을 구현하는 입장에서 검토할 수 있는 기능의 확장성에 대해 현업에서 참고할만한 의견
  3. 신기술 및 인프라 고도화에 대한 기술 의견
* 요구사항 정의서 페이지 구성요소
----------------------------현업문서 참고----------------------------
1) IDX
2) 환경
 - 어플리케이션 아키텍처 종류 (WEB or APP)
3) 구분
 - 기능이 작동하는 모듈 별 묶음 단위
 ex) 상품, 재고, 회원 등
4) 구분 IDX
5) 요구사항 명
 - 기능 구현이 필요한 요구사항에 대한 명칭
----------------------------개발사 의견 작성----------------------------
6) 요구사항 상세
 - 기능 구현이 필요한 요구사항에 대한 위치(화면주소)와 동작원리에 대한 상세한 내용
7) 기능 별 구현 가능여부
 - 불가능 시 대안책 제시
8) 기능 별 구현 일정
9) 비고
 - 기능에 대한 의견을 기록
현업 입장에서 요구사항 정의서는 개발사와의 약속이자 프로젝트 발의 당시 원했던 시스템을 통한 비지니스 성장 방향을 서술해놓은 중요한 문서입니다.


현업의 관점에서 제작한 요구사항 정의서는 비교적 비지니스 이익에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 요인에 대해 요구사항 별로 작성합니다.


현업은 사내의 인적/물적 자원을 통해 더 높은 수익을 창출해낼 수 있는 시스템을 구축하기 위해 비용을 투자합니다.

신규 수익을 창출해내거나, 기존에 나갔던 비용을 절감하여 이익율을 높일 수 있는 시스템이 필요합니다.


막대한 비용을 투자한 시스템은 단순히 담당자가 일을 편하게 할 수 있도록 도와주거나, 복잡한 단순 계산 업무를 대신해주기 위해 존재하지 않습니다.


현업이 원하는 시스템은 아래와 같습니다.

  1. 반복적인 업무를 관리형 시스템으로 대체함으로서 생길 수 있는 공수의 확연한 절감
  2. 직무 별로 흩어져 있는 데이터를 유기적으로 순환시켜주는 연동형 시스템
  3. AI/ML 등 복잡한 계산식의 정답을 고도화된 알고리즘을 통해 산출해내는 생산형 시스템
* 요구사항 정의서 페이지 구성요소
1) IDX
2) 환경
 - 어플리케이션 아키텍처 종류 (WEB or APP)
3) 구분
 - 기능이 작동하는 모듈 별 묶음 단위
 ex) 상품, 재고, 회원 등
4) 구분 IDX
5) 요구사항 명
 - 기능 구현이 필요한 요구사항에 대한 명칭
6) 요구사항 상세
 - 기능 구현이 필요한 요구사항에 대한 위치(화면주소)와 동작원리에 대한 상세한 내용
7) 요청자(요청부서)
8) 정량, 정성적 수익
 - 해당 요구사항이 비지니스에 미치는 수익(매출성장) 관점 영향도 분석 내용
9) 비고
 - 히스토리, 예외 사유 등을 기록

* 출처: https://brunch.co.kr/@toqha7822/15

메뉴 구조도는 시스템에 구축되어 있는 (1)메뉴와 화면이 서로 연결되어 있는 구조(2)화면의 종류
한 눈에 볼 수 있도록 시각화해놓은 표를 의미합니다.

Depth1 -> 메뉴 종류
Depth2 -> 메뉴 內 화면 종류
Depth3 -> 화면 內 섹션 별 구성요소의 역할


출처 : https://kun-hee.tistory.com/52


문서 히스토리를 남기는 것은 프로젝트가 착수되는 시점부터 문서가 사용되는 최신 시점까지 상황에 따라 의도와 방향이 달라진 점과 날짜, 작성자를 기록하는 작업입니다.



주로 문서 앞 일부를 차지하는 문서 히스토리 페이지는 업무에 대한 디테일한 내용이 아니라 중요하지 않게 여겨집니다.

하지만, 프로젝트를 통해 시스템을 만들고 운영하는 관리자는 시스템을 구축/운영할 때 산출되는 문서가 본인의 자산이며 실력을 반증하는 도구가 됩니다.


  • 과거 현업 또는 개발사에게 들었던 내용과 본인이 말했던 내용 중 아무리 중요한 내용이라 할지라도,
    사람이라면 시간이 지남에 따라 기억이 왜곡되거나 없어질 수 있습니다.
  • 불과 1주일 전 자신의 입장과 의도가 지금과 동일하다는 보장은 아무도 할 수 없습니다.


히스토리가 빠짐없이 작성된 문서는 시행착오를 줄여주며 당시의 상황과 의도를 파악하는데 중요한 역할을 하게 됩니다.

대체로 큰 규모의 프로젝트일수록 문서 히스토리 기록의 중요도가 높아집니다.


히스토리가 기록되지 않은 문서는 현 시점에 참고해도 이슈가 없을지, 어떤 이유로 현재 상황에 도달하게 되었는지 확인할 길이 없으며, 과거의 상황을 모르고 의도를 오해하는 일을 만들게 됩니다.



* 문서 히스토리 페이지 구성요소
1) 버전
 - 정수 : 실제 운영이 가능한 버전 (현업 제공o)
 - 소수점 : 실제 운영과 유사한 환경에서 테스트를 위해 배포한 버전 (현업 제공x)
2) 개정일자
3) 변경내용
 - 문서가 변경된 이유에 대한 요약 설명
 - 현업과 개발사 간 의사결정이 완료되어 문서화된 내용이 반영되었다면 기록
4) 작성자 (부서+이름+직무)
5) 승인자


개발자가 말하는 "안됩니다"는 단순히 "하기 싫습니다"라는 뜻이 아닙니다.


개발자는 물론 도구가 아닙니다.

제품을 생산하는 기계마저도 정확한 명령과 정해진 납기에 맞춰 제품을 생산하게 되어있습니다.


현업은 개발자에게 업무를 요청할 때, 다른 현업부서와 동등하게 부담을 가지고 요청해야 합니다.

개발자도 현업에게 받은 업무를 성실히 수행해야 하며, 현업의 입장과 언어에 맞춰 답변을 해야 합니다.


개발자가 설령 도구가 되어 일을 한다고 하더라도, 아래 상황에 따라 "안됩니다"를 시전할 수 있습니다.

1. 요구사항이 명확하지 않은 경우
 - 소프트웨어로 설명하기 어렵거나 정의되지 않아 모호한 현업의 요구사항
2. 요구사항이 명확하더라도 원하는 일정을 맞출 수 없을 경우
 - 한정된 자원 내에서 운영되는 공수를 고려하지 않은 상황
 - 개인에게 분담되는 업무의 양이 과다할 경우
3. 시스템이 구현되는 환경(인프라)의 제약이 존재할 경우
 - 보안 및 정책의 제약으로 인해 조직의 의사결정이 수반되어야 할 경우
4. 실제로 기술 구현이 불가능한 경우
 - 하드웨어의 제약, 능력의 한계(AI, ML 등)

물론, 개발자도 사람인지라 매너리즘에 빠져 정말로 하기 싫어서 안된다는 말로 방어하는 경우도 종종 있습니다.

하지만 모두가 그런 시선으로 개발자를 바라본다면, 현업과 개발자의 갈등을 좁혀나갈 수 없어 결국 서로 원하는 바를 얻지 못하게 됩니다.


Tech PM - 비지니스 가치가 있는 소프트웨어를 발의하고 기획/설계/일정관리/오픈/운영까지 A-Z를 관리


소프트웨어 구축하는 프로젝트를 발의하고 시스템을 기획/설계하는 Tech PM은 아래와 같은 일을 해야 합니다.

1. 개발자가 이해할 수 있는 수준의 요구사항 정의
2. 비지니스 상황에 맞춘 구축 우선순위 선정 판단
3. 간결하지만 명료한 문서작성 기술

기획된 시스템의 비지니스 측면 가치에 대한 고민과 구축된 시스템이 Product(제품)로서 안정적으로 고정적인 수익을 창출할 수 있도록 설계해야 합니다.


Tech PM은 소프트웨어 기반의 회사에서 개발자와 현업이 서로 원하는 바를 얻게끔 만들어주는 역할을
책임을 가지고 헌신적으로 실천할 수 있어야 합니다.


프로젝트 매니저는 이 모든 고민을 문서로 남길 수 있어야 하며, 상시 보고할 수 있는 준비가 되어 있어야 합니다.

1. 문서 히스토리
2. 메뉴구조도
3. 요구사항 정의서 2부 (현업, 개발사)
4. 테스크플로우
5. I.A(정보구조도)
6. 와이어프레임
7. 화면정의서
8. 기능명세서
9. 플로우차트
10. ERD,  다이어그램 등

'IT > Tech PM' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Tech PM] 프로젝트란? Tech PM이란?  (0) 2023.08.30
[Tech PM] 요구사항 정의서(개발사)  (0) 2023.07.30
[Tech PM] 요구사항 정의서(현업)  (0) 2023.07.30
[Tech PM] 메뉴구조도  (0) 2023.07.30
[Tech PM] 문서 히스토리  (0) 2023.07.30

 You must set the Enterprise Structure of your company (commonly referred to as the "organizational data" in SAP) before you can process SD transactions. For example, without a sales area it is not possible to create a salea order in SAP.

 This organizational data reflects the structure of your business. Every transaction occurs within this structure. The organizational data is like the steel girders in a building, so setting it up correctly is essential. Once it is set, changing the Enterprise Structure of the business will be time consuming.

 The more thought you give to the organizational structure, the easier mySAP ERP SD will be to configure and use. You must understand how the business functions and have exhaustive knowledge of the impact of using specific elements to map the companies organizational structure into mySAP ERP.

 Organizational data is comprised of:

  • A Sales Organization An organizational unit that sells and distributes products, negotiates terms of sale, and is responsible for these transactions.
  • A Distribution Channel The channel through which materials or services reach customers. Typical distribution channels include Internet sales, wholesale, retail, and direct sales. You can assign a distribution channel to one or more sales organizations. A customer can be delivered from multiple distribution channels. A material master record can be maintained with different sales organization and distribution channel views, allowing different data to be accessed-for example, the delivering plant.
  • A Division Product groups can be defined for a wide-ranging spectrum of products. For every division you can make customer-specific agreements on, for example, partial deliveries, priving, and terms of payment. Within a division you can carry out statistical analyses or set up separate marketing.

 Figure 1-14 shows a basic organizational structure. In sales organization 1000, SD business transactions can be carried out for distribution channel 10 and 20 and division 01 and 02. In sales organization 2000 transactions can only be processed through distribution channel 10 and division 01 and 02. Likewise, transactions in sales organization 3000 can only be done through distribution channel 10 division 01.

 Sales organizations should be kept to a minimum; try to have only one per company code. You should have a very good business reason to have more than one sales organization per company code. For example, only have another sales organization if the company sells completely differently in an area-for example, if sales processed in Los Angeles are handled differently to sales processed in San Francisco.

 A rule of thumb is that if the material can be sold in both sales organizations and there is one company code, them there should only be one sales organization.


(FIGURE 1-14 Organizational data in SAP)


 Master data records are multiplied by each additional organizational elemen you have. Thus, 10 customer master records with 2 sales organizations, 2 distribution channels, and 2 divisions would have a total of 80 customer master record views. Add another sales organization and you have 120 customer master record views.

 Adding divisions does not multiply the material master views; however, it does multiply the customer master views. For example, add a division to our 80 customer master views and we suddenly have 120 customer master views. However, add the division to the material master views, and we still end up with 80.

TIP To reduce the master data you require, you can combine sales areas for customer master data purposes-see the Implementation Guide (IMG | Sales and Distribution | Master Data | Define Common Distribution Channels (and Division)).


 We know a sales area is compiled of a sales organization, a distribution channel, and a division. A sales area is used for reporting purposes; all data relevant for sales can be defined per sales area. For example, you can define pricing per sales area, or do your sales information analyses per sales area. You can also control configuration based on the sales area-for example, you can allow some sales processes for one sales area (for example, product samples), but not for another.

 Master data forms the basis of all transactional processing. This is especially true for Sales and Distribution processing. Master data creation, ownership, and maintenance are tjr responsibility of all modules. The structure and data within a company's master data govern how the system is to respond to future transactions of analysis.


Customer Master Data

 Customer master data in SD is divided into three main areas.

  • Basic Data This data remains the same for the customer regardless of which organization he buys from your company. Examples of this type of data are the customer address and contact details.
  • Organizational Data This is customer data related to your organizational structure-for example, ths customer may prefer stock to be delivered from plant YX01 when an order is placed in a specific sales area. (Sales area is explained later.) The customer may then wish stock to be delivered from a plant closer to his location YX02 when a sales order is placed in another sales area. A customer master record may exist for many sales areas. You can then have different data from the different sales areas, even though you are taking the order from the same customer and using the same customer number.
  • Company Code Data A customer master record must also heve company-related data. This data is used for financial accounting purposes. An example of company code data is the reconciliation account. A customer master record may exist for more than one company code-for example, when you have more than one company in your orgainzation and the customer can buy from any one of them.

 A sales area is a specific combination of a sales organization, a distribution channel, and a division. The sales organuzation is the legal entity responsible for the sale. You usually have a sales organization for each company code.  The distribution channel is the way you send your product to the market-for example, you may have a retail distribution channel and a wholesale distribution channl. A division is a product division-for example, original equipment or spare parts. The combination of these represents the sales area. So when a customer places an order with sales organization ABC in retail distribution channel for spare parts, you have identified the sales area. The precesses may differ when a customer purchases from the same sales organization and the same division, but is purchasing wholesale, so the sales area would then be different as well. (Due to the distribution channel being different, that is wholesale.)

 The customer master sales area data allows you to specify different master data (for example different payment terms) based on the sales areas.

 There are additional forms of master of customer master data-for example, the customer credit master record, which is related to the customer master record, shown in Figure 1-13.

 However, these additional forms of master data are not mandatory and are covered in thier own chapters in this content.

 We desctibe how to maintain the customizing, insert, and remove fields, as well as partner functions, of the customer master record later in this chapter.

 This section is a guide to navigation and usability of an SAP system from transaction codes to user settings and the matrix copy.


Basic Transaction Codes

 Transaction codes are the short path to a specific screen in SAP. For example, the transaction code [VA22] brings you to the Change Quotation screen, as shown in Figure 1-4. To view the transaction code from within the screen you are accessing, select System | Status.

 In this content the standard menu path is always described from the SAP Easy Access Screen(unless specifically stated from the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide). This "Easy Access Menu" is generally the first screen that users will face in the system. Because it is the first screen users will face, it may be highly configured using area menus to restrict the transactions the user will be using. Th revert back to the original user menu from the screen, simply select the menu path Menu | SAP menu [transaction code S000].

 An example of using the menu path to get to the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide from the SAP Easy Access Screen is

SAP menu | Tools | Customizing | IMG | SPRO-Execute Project

 as seen in Figure 1-5.

 The [SPRO] transaction code is the shortcut form the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide.

 Please refer to Chapter 5 to read about creating your own transaction codes.

 Here are a number of simple transaction codes you will get accustomed to using:

Code Description
VA01 Create sales document
VL01N Create outbound delivery with reference
VF01 Create billing document
SPRO Enterprise SAP Customizing Implementation Guide

 A fantastic navigation tip is to use the central "Easy Access" menus, which provide a menu tailored to the function you are processing. For example, all transactions related to sales master data may be found by using [VS00]. Refer to the following list for transaction codes to further menus.

Code Description
VS00 Sales master data
VC00 Sales support
VA00 Sales
VL00 Shipping
VT00 Transportation
VF00 Billing
VX00 Foreign trade

 To get a list of transactions including a particular text string, use the table TSTCT. You can alse use asterisks as wildcards. For example, entering *change mas* in the text field will give you the following list of transactions.

Language Transaction Code Text
E BGM2 Change Master Warranty
E C202 Change Master Recipe
E CC01 Create Change Master
E CC02 Change Master
E CC03 Display Change Master
E F062U Change Master Settlement Unit
E FS02 Change Master Record
E FSP2 Change Master Record in Chart/Accts
E FSS2 Change Master Record in Company Code
E MFS0 LFP: Change Master Plan
E OS51 Change Master Statuses
E OS52 Change Master Matchcode
E OS53 Number Ranges for Change Master
E OS54 Change Master Control Data

 Note that as transaction codes call up screens, there must be a link from the screen you are trying to access to the relevant screen you wish to call. You will net be able to use the transaction code [VA00] while in the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide because the screen related to [VA00] is not available from within this transaction.

 A tip in cases like this is to enter /n before the transaction code. For example, [/nVA00] will take you out of whatever transaction you are in to the VA00 screen. The /n terminates the transaction you are working with, so be aware that you will lose any unsaved data in the screen you are currently on. As an alternative, you can use /o in front of the transaction code (for example, [/oVA00]. This opens the transaction in a new SAP sessing, keeping your existing screen in place.


Shortcuts in Transaction Codes

 To save time in transferring between screens when you call up a transaction, you can utilize the shortcut commands in Table 1-1.

 The following function keys allow for additional shortcuts:

F1 Help
F3 Back
F4 Lists possible entries or matchcode (see next section) for the field you are accessing
F8 Executes a transaction or report

 These function codes are to be used from a specific-for example, from the customer group field.

 Pressing F1 gives you the Help screen, as shown in Figure 1-7.

 The Help dialog box may be displayed differently based upon the user settings, To change the display options of the Help screen, select the menu from the SAP easy access screen [S000] Help | Settings as seen in Figure 1-8.

Shortcut Description
/n Ends the current transaction.
/nxxx Moves you from anywhere into transaction xxxx. Note, however, that you are terminating the current screen and will lose any unsaved data.
/nVA00 Moves you from anywhere into the sales screen [VA00].
/i Deletes the current session.
/nend Logs off from the system.
/nex Logs off from the system without a confirmation prompt.
/o Generates a session list. (A session is a window into SAP, similar to having multiple documents/windows open in an application on a pc.)
/oXXXX Opens transaction xxxx in a new session.
/oVA00 Opens transaction VA00 in a new session.

 From the Help screen, pressing F9 or clicking the Technical Info button, depending on your display option, will give you the technical information screen shown in Figure 1-9.



 A matchcode is a comparison key. It allows you to locate the key of a particular database record by entering a field value contained in the record. The system then displays a list of records matching the specifications for you to select from. An example of this would be searching for the customer number in the sales order. When you press F4 from within the customer number field, you will have an option to select a suitable matchcode to obtain the customer number you are after, as shown in Figure 1-10.

 You may also click the drop-down icon from within this selection screen to display a number of different matchcodes to choose from, as shown in Figure 1-11.


Advisable User Settings

 It is expected that you already have a sound knowledge of navigation around SAP, so this book will not detail basic user information. However, there are a few advisable SAP user settings for you to utilize:

  • Local Data - History Click the Customizing Local Layout icon (shown here), then select Options, and select Local Data tab.

 By setting the History to On, you will always have a drop-down list of the values you last used in a selection field, according to the Expiration, Maximum Permitted File Size, and Maximum Number of Entries that you set, as shown in Figure 1-12.

  • Expert Data - Controls Click the Customizing Local Layout icon (shown earlier), then select Options, and select the Expert tab.

 Options selected in matchcodes are generally created by a key index. This key is not normally available for the user to see. Consequently, people sometimes configure the description of the values that may be selected to describe the key of the object. There is no need to include the key in the description if the users have the Show Keys in All Drop Down List" checkbox marked as active. Sort Items by Key ensures the user is presented with a logical list to select from.


The Matrix Copy

 The copy and paste function in SAP is called the Matrix Copy. Use the Matrix Copy to copy more than one line of text by clicking on the dialog box or screen one wishes to copy from and pressing the commands as desribed:

  1. Press CTRL-Y, then select the text by dragging the mouse from the top left to the bottom right of the selection.
  2. Once the text is highlighted, press CTRL-C.
  3. Insert the text by moving to the new location and pressing CTRL-V.

 SAP meaning is "system, applications, and products in data processing."

 This content is focused on the mySAP ERP application, which is the follow-up product to SAP R/3 softwre, mySAP ERP is one of the applications within the mySAP business Suite,

  • mySAP ERP
  • mySAP Supply Chain Management (SCM)
  • mySAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • mySAP Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)
  • mySAP Product Lifestyle Management (PLM)

 mySAP ERP is an application that is designed for mid-size to large customers, as opposed to SAP Business One, which is the application SAP designed for smaller organizations.

 mySAP ERP is built on the SAP Netweaver platform, which is an open source business process platform that permits customers to create, among other things, tailor-made business solutions. These customized applications can be used in conjunction with powerful, already existing application of Netweaver to integrate with mySAP ERP, creating solutions ranging, for example, from seamless integration with Microsoft Office to customer- or supplier-facing web portals.

 This content is not a general list of functionalities found in the mySAP Business Suite, nor does it focus on all applications within mySAP ERP, nor is it a list of release notes listing the differences between R/3 and ECC. It is instead a compilation of over a decade of consultants' hands-on SAP Sales and Distribution implementation advice, all based upon the latest release of my SAP ERP.


SAP Application Integration

 SAP is an ERP software product that seamlessly integrates the different functions in a business (such as sales, procurement, and production). SAP provides rich functionality in each of these business areas without sacrificing the convenience of an integrated system.

 These applications update and process transactions in real time, allowing seemingly effortless integration and communication between areas of business. For example, you can create a billing document and release it to Accounting and observe the updated billing values in a customer analysis immediately, without having to wait for day-end or month-end processing.



 The SAP graphical user interface, or SAPGUI, runs on all well-known operating systems.

 The appearance of the screens and the menus displayed on them are configurable.

In ERR there anr numerous SAPGUIs. For example, the basic SAP screen looks similar to Figure 1-1. This screen will be referred to as the SAP menu. It is often obtainable by using transaction code [S000].

 There's also a GUI available for SAP processes, for users without direct access to thier desktop computer. Thie is possible through the use of a web portal as seen in (The portal SAPGUI).


Customizing Tools

 The cornerstone to SAP is the ability to configure the system to meet the needs of your business. This is done by customizing or adapting the system and application to respond like your business.

 This is the process of mapping SAP to your business processes. An example of a business process would be capturing a customer sales order.

 This process of configuring SAP is generally time consuming and costly, as one needs to fully understand the business processes and then find a solution in SAP to meet these requirements and customize it in the system while at the same time taking into account best business practices, international standards, and possibly a bit of business re-engineering.

 The objective of this content is to teach you how to develop and enhance the Sales and Distribution module of mySAP ERP to its fullest potential, using time-saving tips and techniques, in order for you to effectively meet your business objectives.

 From SAP version 3, the reference SAP Customizing Implementation Guide was available. Prior to version 3 of SAP, customizing of the system had to be carried out via menu paths and transaction codes, requiring considerably more time. For the purposes of the book we will be using the functionality found in mySAP ECC 5.0 and mySAP ECC 6.0 (ECC-ERP Central Component) as a reference.

 Figure 1-3 is an example of the Implementation Guide (SAP Customizing Implementation Guide) or customizing screen, which we will call the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide.

 This screen is the backbone for mySAP ERP configuration and determines how the system functions. We will be using the screen extensively for the purpose of configuring the Sales and Distribution module.


mySAP ERP Applications Overview

 mySAP ERP applications are categorized into three core functional areas: Logistics, Financial, and Human Resources. Of these three functional areas, there is a further subdivision into applications or modules. In addition to these applications, SAP has created industry-specific solutions (ISs). A few examples of these are.

  • IS-OIL For oil companies
  • IS-T For the telecommunications sector
  • IS-B For banks
  • IS-Retail For retail

 In addition to these industry solutions there are standard cross-application components. These tools are not dedicated to one unique application or module; they ard used throughout the system to integrate and automate SAP processes.

 The following is a brief description and overview of a few of the major functional areas in SAP.


Financial Applications

 This application component contains, among others, the following modules:

  • FI Financial Accounting
  • CO Controlling
  • EC Enterprise Controlling
  • IM Investment Management
  • PS Project System

Human Resources Applications

 The Human Resources module includes support for salary and payroll administration, as well as areas such as work schedule models. This core functional area is country-specific, due to country-related taxes, employee benefits, and employment laws.

 This functional area contains, among others, the following modules:

  • PA Personnel Administration
  • PT Personnel time Management
  • PY payroll

Logistics Applications

 Logistics (referring to the supply chain) is the largest of the three functional areas. It includes, among others, the following modules:

  • SD Sales and Distribution
  • MM Materials Management
  • PP Production Planning and Control
  • LE Logistics Execution
  • QM Quality Management
  • CS Customer Service

 We will be focusing on the Sales and Distribution (SD) module of mySAP. Refer to www.sapww.com  for more tips and tricks relating to these and other modules.


Sales and Distribution Module (SD)

 The Sales and Distribution module remains one of the key modules in mySAP ERP. It has always been one of the largest and most complex modules in SAP.

 The SD module is made up of the following multiple components:

  • Basic Functions and Master Data in SD Processing (SD-BF)
  • Pricing and Conditions (SD-BF-PR)
  • Extra Charge (SD-BF-EC)
  • availability Check and Requirements in Sales and Distribution
  • Credit and Risk Management (SD-BF-CM)
  • Material Sorting (SD-BF-AS)
  • Output Determination (SD-BF-OC)
  • Sales (SD-SLS)
  • Scheduling Agreements for Component Suppliers (SD-SLS-OA)
  • Customer Service Processing (SD-SLS-OA)
  • Foreign Trade/Customs (SD-FT)
  • Billing (SD-BIL)
  • Payment Card Processing (SD-BIL-IV)
  • Sales Support: Computer-Aided Selling (CAS)
  • Electronic Data Interchange/IDoc Interface (SD-EDI)
  • Shipping (LE-SHP)
  • Transportation (LE-TRA)
  • Reports and Analyses (SD-IS-REP)
  • Business Package for Internal Sales Representative (mySAP ERP)

 In the content we will explain how to configure the majority of these components in the system.

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