This section is a guide to navigation and usability of an SAP system from transaction codes to user settings and the matrix copy.


Basic Transaction Codes

 Transaction codes are the short path to a specific screen in SAP. For example, the transaction code [VA22] brings you to the Change Quotation screen, as shown in Figure 1-4. To view the transaction code from within the screen you are accessing, select System | Status.

 In this content the standard menu path is always described from the SAP Easy Access Screen(unless specifically stated from the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide). This "Easy Access Menu" is generally the first screen that users will face in the system. Because it is the first screen users will face, it may be highly configured using area menus to restrict the transactions the user will be using. Th revert back to the original user menu from the screen, simply select the menu path Menu | SAP menu [transaction code S000].

 An example of using the menu path to get to the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide from the SAP Easy Access Screen is

SAP menu | Tools | Customizing | IMG | SPRO-Execute Project

 as seen in Figure 1-5.

 The [SPRO] transaction code is the shortcut form the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide.

 Please refer to Chapter 5 to read about creating your own transaction codes.

 Here are a number of simple transaction codes you will get accustomed to using:

Code Description
VA01 Create sales document
VL01N Create outbound delivery with reference
VF01 Create billing document
SPRO Enterprise SAP Customizing Implementation Guide

 A fantastic navigation tip is to use the central "Easy Access" menus, which provide a menu tailored to the function you are processing. For example, all transactions related to sales master data may be found by using [VS00]. Refer to the following list for transaction codes to further menus.

Code Description
VS00 Sales master data
VC00 Sales support
VA00 Sales
VL00 Shipping
VT00 Transportation
VF00 Billing
VX00 Foreign trade

 To get a list of transactions including a particular text string, use the table TSTCT. You can alse use asterisks as wildcards. For example, entering *change mas* in the text field will give you the following list of transactions.

Language Transaction Code Text
E BGM2 Change Master Warranty
E C202 Change Master Recipe
E CC01 Create Change Master
E CC02 Change Master
E CC03 Display Change Master
E F062U Change Master Settlement Unit
E FS02 Change Master Record
E FSP2 Change Master Record in Chart/Accts
E FSS2 Change Master Record in Company Code
E MFS0 LFP: Change Master Plan
E OS51 Change Master Statuses
E OS52 Change Master Matchcode
E OS53 Number Ranges for Change Master
E OS54 Change Master Control Data

 Note that as transaction codes call up screens, there must be a link from the screen you are trying to access to the relevant screen you wish to call. You will net be able to use the transaction code [VA00] while in the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide because the screen related to [VA00] is not available from within this transaction.

 A tip in cases like this is to enter /n before the transaction code. For example, [/nVA00] will take you out of whatever transaction you are in to the VA00 screen. The /n terminates the transaction you are working with, so be aware that you will lose any unsaved data in the screen you are currently on. As an alternative, you can use /o in front of the transaction code (for example, [/oVA00]. This opens the transaction in a new SAP sessing, keeping your existing screen in place.


Shortcuts in Transaction Codes

 To save time in transferring between screens when you call up a transaction, you can utilize the shortcut commands in Table 1-1.

 The following function keys allow for additional shortcuts:

F1 Help
F3 Back
F4 Lists possible entries or matchcode (see next section) for the field you are accessing
F8 Executes a transaction or report

 These function codes are to be used from a specific-for example, from the customer group field.

 Pressing F1 gives you the Help screen, as shown in Figure 1-7.

 The Help dialog box may be displayed differently based upon the user settings, To change the display options of the Help screen, select the menu from the SAP easy access screen [S000] Help | Settings as seen in Figure 1-8.

Shortcut Description
/n Ends the current transaction.
/nxxx Moves you from anywhere into transaction xxxx. Note, however, that you are terminating the current screen and will lose any unsaved data.
/nVA00 Moves you from anywhere into the sales screen [VA00].
/i Deletes the current session.
/nend Logs off from the system.
/nex Logs off from the system without a confirmation prompt.
/o Generates a session list. (A session is a window into SAP, similar to having multiple documents/windows open in an application on a pc.)
/oXXXX Opens transaction xxxx in a new session.
/oVA00 Opens transaction VA00 in a new session.

 From the Help screen, pressing F9 or clicking the Technical Info button, depending on your display option, will give you the technical information screen shown in Figure 1-9.



 A matchcode is a comparison key. It allows you to locate the key of a particular database record by entering a field value contained in the record. The system then displays a list of records matching the specifications for you to select from. An example of this would be searching for the customer number in the sales order. When you press F4 from within the customer number field, you will have an option to select a suitable matchcode to obtain the customer number you are after, as shown in Figure 1-10.

 You may also click the drop-down icon from within this selection screen to display a number of different matchcodes to choose from, as shown in Figure 1-11.


Advisable User Settings

 It is expected that you already have a sound knowledge of navigation around SAP, so this book will not detail basic user information. However, there are a few advisable SAP user settings for you to utilize:

  • Local Data - History Click the Customizing Local Layout icon (shown here), then select Options, and select Local Data tab.

 By setting the History to On, you will always have a drop-down list of the values you last used in a selection field, according to the Expiration, Maximum Permitted File Size, and Maximum Number of Entries that you set, as shown in Figure 1-12.

  • Expert Data - Controls Click the Customizing Local Layout icon (shown earlier), then select Options, and select the Expert tab.

 Options selected in matchcodes are generally created by a key index. This key is not normally available for the user to see. Consequently, people sometimes configure the description of the values that may be selected to describe the key of the object. There is no need to include the key in the description if the users have the Show Keys in All Drop Down List" checkbox marked as active. Sort Items by Key ensures the user is presented with a logical list to select from.


The Matrix Copy

 The copy and paste function in SAP is called the Matrix Copy. Use the Matrix Copy to copy more than one line of text by clicking on the dialog box or screen one wishes to copy from and pressing the commands as desribed:

  1. Press CTRL-Y, then select the text by dragging the mouse from the top left to the bottom right of the selection.
  2. Once the text is highlighted, press CTRL-C.
  3. Insert the text by moving to the new location and pressing CTRL-V.

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